Build a Fit & Energetic Body 

Without Spending Hours in the Gym

Boost your energy, fitness, and mood with minimal daily exercise and an easy healthy diet in 90 days. Because I know you are busy!

Book a FREE Strategy Call

Build a Fit & Energetic Body 

Without Spending Hours in the Gym

Boost your energy, fitness, and mood with minimal daily exercise and an easy healthy diet. Because I know you are busy!

Book Your Free Strategy Call

Do you find it hard to squeeze in exercise, healthy meal prep, and self-care into your already packed day?

  • Are you a busy woman juggling countless responsibilities, yet struggling to prioritize your own well-being?
  • Do you feel exhausted and tensed from your never ending to-do list?
  • Are your energy levels dropping, your mood swings like a yoyo and you feel stressed without patience?
  • You know you should eat healthier but you just don't have the time to cook fresh and nutritious meals. 
  • Exercising regularly seems like a distant dream for you.
  • Are you following the same unhealthy routines day in and day out?
  • You know you need to adopt healthier habits but you don't know how to start?

What's holding you back from finding the discipline and motivation needed to embrace a healthier lifestyle?

There is a very simple answer: your human brain!

Our brains are wired for survival, favoring immediate rewards and energy conservation.

That's why we reach for a chocolate bar or scroll through social media, even though we know too much of it is unhealthy.

Since our brains haven’t adapted to modern times, following healthy habits with long-term benefits feel challenging.

Fortunately, there are effective strategies to overcome this resistance. As your coach, I will guide you every step of the way.

Book Your FREE Strategy Call

Are you ready to turn your life and wellbeing around?

Imagine yourself

  • following your healthy routines on a daily basis like clockwork
  • feeling fit and energized througout the day
  • enjoying comfort and confidence in your own skin
  • being more patient with yourself and the people around you
  • building stronger resilience against stress
  • learning how to calm yourself down within a few minutes
  • enhancing your focus and concentration
  • having a better understanding of your mental and physical needs
  • spending more meaningful time with family and friends

"The greatest wealth is health" - Virgil

A healthy you is the foundation for a fulfilling life.

Hey, I'm Silke

and health is my absolute passion. I'm a wife, a mom, a certified health coach, and a nature lover.

But there was a time when I was all about that not-so-great lifestyle - you know, the one with too many cigarettes, too much sugar, stress, moodiness, and exercise that was more hit-or-miss than a regular routine.

Fast forward through a lot of ups and downs, and here I am: vibrant, joyful, and healthier than I ever thought possible. It wasn't an easy ride, though. I battled through inflammatory diseases, stumbled through mistakes, and learned many lessons along the way.

Now, as a certified holistic health coach who truly practices what I preach, I've got a mission. I'm here to guide busy women like you, showing you how to weave wellness seamlessly into your jam-packed life. Because let's face it, we've all got a lot on our plates, but your health? It should always be at the top of the list.

When it comes to reaching your wellbeing goals, you've got two options:

1 - The Solo Health Expedition

Picture this: you, a backpack, and a map. You’re navigating through life’s twists and turns. It’s liberating, no doubt and you save money.

But here’s the catch: it can get lonely out there. When the trail gets rocky, who’s got your back? Who cheers you on when you’re knee-deep in self-doubt? It’s just you. And sometimes, that’s a tough gig.

2 - The Guided Health Journey

Imagine your health journey with a reliable coach alongside, guiding and keeping you on track.

When you face challenges, you've got a partner to help you through. When you hit those goals? You're celebrating together. With a coach you increase your chances of achieving your goals faster and smoothly.

Kali C.

"I cannot recommend Silke enough as a health and wellness coach! Her thoughtful approach and pleasant demeanor make every conversation a delight. Silke truly listens to my concerns and helps me find valuable insights and solutions. She follows up on our discussions with care and always manages to put me at ease. If you’re seeking a supportive and knowledgeable health coach, Silke is the one to trust."


Book Your FREE Strategy Call

My 1-to1 health coaching is for you if 

  • you're a busy woman tired of feeling overwhelmed and ready to create a sustainable healthy life.
  • you're committed to taking action and investing in regular coaching sessions to reach your goals.
  • you value working with a coach who understands your struggles, as I've been in your shoes and successfully navigated the journey to a healthier, happier life.
  • you want to work with a coach who leads by example, actively practicing a healthy lifestyle.
  • you seek a relatable, authentic, and empathetic coach who celebrates your wins and empowers you through every step of your transformation.


Ana B.

"Thank you so much for everything, Silke. Every time I talk to you I recharge my energy."


Together we will find your unique path to wellbeing

The coaching will be customized to your preferences, ensuring that your new healthy routines seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle. Here is what's included for you:

Tailored Strategies

Together we will craft personalized fitness & meal plans that integrate well with your lifestyle and goals.

Holistic Health

Focus on all areas like healthy eating, regular exercise, stress management, sleep, emotional well-being, and more)


Enjoy regular check-ins to stay motivated and celebrate your progress towards a healthier, happier you.

Goal Setting

Get guidance on setting achievable, personalized goals that empower you to live a healthier and happier life.

Sustainable Change

We'll create habits that stick, so you can maintain your progress and enjoy lasting well-being.

Emotional Support

Share everything in a safe space, and get support and encourgement on your health journey.


Melanie P.

"Thanks to Silke, I've not only improved my health, but also my happiness and vitality. I wholeheartedly endorse Silke to anyone seeking a profound, lasting impact on their health."


Silke Holguin Health Coach

Book Your Free 30-Minute Discovery Call

In this video call, we'll have a casual chat to get to know each other and see if we are a fit.

You can share your current health struggles and why things haven't worked for you in the past. 

We'll also talk about what you're really hoping to achieve with health coaching

The link below will take you to my online calendar. If you don't find a time slot that fits you, please contact me directly and I will send you additional options. 

I look forward to learning more about you and exploring how I can best support you on your journey towards your health goals.

Book your free 30 minute strategy call

Do you have any questions?


"View health as an investment, not an expense" - John Quelch

Embracing a healthy lifestyle is a contrbution to your present well-being and a gift to your future self.

I'm Ready to Prioritize My Well-being