10 Tips for Professional Virtual Meetings When Working From Home

productivity wfh set up Aug 25, 2023
Virtual Meeting Workgin From Home

For everyone working from home, video calls are vital to stay connected with clients, suppliers, team members, friends and family. Whether it's an important client meeting, a team brainstorming session, or a simple catch-up with colleagues, appearing professional on camera can make a world of difference. You may already have a basic setup, but let's explore some more tips and tricks to optimize your home office for video calls.

1. Mind Your Background

Consider what people will see behind you. Choose a backdrop that's tidy, uncluttered, and professional. A simple, clean background helps the focus stay on you. Personalize your space subtly with a few tastefully chosen items like plants or art, but avoid any potentially distracting elements. Many video call tools offer blurring your background to keep your privacy. 

2. Angles and Eye Contact

The camera angle matters more than you may realize. An awkward angle can distort your face and body, and detract from your professional image. Position your webcam at eye level to mimic the natural flow of in-person conversation. This helps maintain the illusion of eye contact, a key aspect of effective communication. Try to look into the camera while talking with your meeting partner. This will give the conversation a more natural flow. 

3. Balanced Lighting

Ensure your face is well lit, but be wary of harsh overhead lights that can create unflattering shadows. Natural light is ideal. If possible, position yourself facing a window. For darker settings, consider investing in a ring light or desk lamp with adjustable color temperature. The goal is to create soft, even lighting that flatters your features.

4. Don't Neglect Audio

While video quality is crucial, audio can be equally, if not more important. Distorted or unclear audio can be immensely frustrating for meeting participants. Consider using a dedicated microphone, ideally one with noise-canceling capabilities. Also, remember to mute yourself when not speaking to minimize background noise.

5. Dress Appropriately

Your attire sends a message about your professionalism. Even though you're at home, dress as you would for a face-to-face meeting. This not only projects a professional image but can also help put you in a work-focused mindset. However, avoid wearing overly patterned clothing or certain bright colors like white and red as these can distort on camera.

6. Internet Stability

Nothing disrupts a video call quite like a spotty internet connection. If you're experiencing connectivity issues, consider investing in a mesh network system or a wired ethernet connection. Also, remember to close unnecessary tabs and applications that might be hogging your bandwidth during the call.

7. Pre-meeting Checks

Always conduct a quick tech check before your call. Verify that your audio and video are working correctly, and your internet connection is stable. Preview your webcam to check your lighting and background. These few minutes of preparation can prevent awkward technical glitches during the call.

8. Leverage Virtual Backgrounds

If your meeting platform supports it, consider using a virtual background. Choose something professional and neutral. This can be particularly useful if you don't have a dedicated home office or if your background is less than ideal.

9. Perfect Your Framing

Ensure you're not too close or too far from the camera. As a general rule, your face should take up around 60% of the frame, with your upper body visible. This replicates the "across the table" perspective of in-person meetings.

10. Master Platform Features

Familiarize yourself with the features of your video call platform. Learn how to quickly mute and unmute, turn your camera on and off, share your screen, and use the chat function. This can help your meetings run much more smoothly.

While remote work brings new challenges, it also presents opportunities to master new skills and technologies. By optimizing your home office for video calls, you can project a professional image, communicate effectively, and help ensure your virtual meetings run smoothly.

Remember, it's all about creating an environment that supports your professional goals and personal comfort. So experiment with these tips and find what works best for you.

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive remote working. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

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