6 Sugar-Free Super Tasty Snacks for a Health Inspired Christmas

health meals wellbeing Oct 27, 2023
Sugar Free Healthy Snacks

The festive season is a time of joy, reflection, and, let's be honest, a multitude of sweet temptations. It's all too easy to find oneself sampling an array of sugary delights, which can leave you feeling less than merry. But what if you could indulge in the season’s pleasures while still nourishing your body and keeping your energy levels as sparkling as your Christmas decor? I’ve curated a list of six natural, sugar-free snacks that promise both taste and vitality and are super easy to prepare:

1. Cinnamon-Spiced Apple Chips:
Thinly slice a couple of apples and remove the cores. Preheat your oven to 200°F (93°C). Arrange the apple slices in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and sprinkle them with cinnamon. Bake for 1-2 hours, flipping halfway through until they're dry yet pliable. Cool and enjoy these chips with a festive crunch!

2. Festive Fruit Salad:
Chop your favorite seasonal fruits – pomegranates, kiwis, and oranges make for a beautiful mix. Toss them gently in a bowl. Squeeze a lime over the top for a tangy twist and give it one last toss. Serve this juicy medley in pretty cups or stemmed glasses for that extra holiday flair.

3. Pure Fruit Banana Bites:
Peel and slice a few bananas into bite-sized rounds. Press each banana slice into crushed nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or pistachios, ensuring the nuts adhere well to the banana's natural moisture. For an added twist, sprinkle a tiny pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg on each slice to complement the banana's sweetness. Place the nut-coated banana slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and freeze for about an hour. These chilled, nut-crusted banana bites will be creamy on the inside with a delightful crunch on the outside, naturally sweetened by the fruit itself.

4. Gingerbread Energy Balls:
In a food processor, combine a cup of pitted dates, a cup of raw almonds, and a generous sprinkle of ground ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Process until the mixture sticks together. Roll into small balls and refrigerate. These energy balls are like festive fuel – ready to power you through the holiday hustle.

5. Coconut Yogurt Bark:
Spread a thick layer of coconut yogurt onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Scatter a handful of berries – think raspberries, blueberries, or chopped strawberries – and some slivered almonds on top. Freeze until solid, then break into bark-like pieces. This snack is a creamy, dreamy nod to winter wonderlands.

6. Savory Avocado Boats:
Halve an avocado and remove the pit, creating a "boat." In a separate bowl, mix diced tomatoes, cucumbers, and a bit of onion with a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Spoon this mixture into the avocado halves. These boats are a haven of freshness amidst the rich holiday foods.

With these snacks, you're doing more than just filling the gaps between meals; you're infusing your body with nutrients without the added sugar. Each recipe is designed to be hassle-free, because who needs extra stress when you’re already decking the halls and ticking off your to-do list?

This holiday season, let’s make health a part of your tradition. As you wrap those gifts and pen your cards, remember that the best present you can give yourself is the gift of good health. And with these six sugar-free snacks, you’ll be doing just that, all while indulging in the natural sweetness of life. Cheers to a wholesome and happy holiday!

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive working from home. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

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