7 Proven Tips for Boosting Your Energy While Working From Home (and Avoid Burnout)

health healthy habits motiavtion stress management wellbeing Jun 23, 2023
energized working from home

When I first ventured into the world of working from home in 2012, it was a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The prospect of creating my own schedule and working from the comfort of my own space was liberating. But with time, I discovered that this new freedom came with unique challenges, one of which was maintaining consistent energy levels throughout the day.

Keeping up the same level of productivity when your home also becomes your office is not always easy. And burnout? It seemed to loom around the corner more often than I would have liked.

Does this resonate with you? If yes, you're not alone.

Over the years, through a lot of trial and error, I've managed to find some reliable strategies that have helped me keep my energy up, avoid burnout, and truly thrive while working from home. And today, I'm eager to share these seven proven tips with you. Whether you're a freelancer, solopreneur, or new to the remote working scene, these tips can help revolutionize your work-from-home routine just as they did mine.

1. Start your Day with a Nutritious Breakfast

Starting your day with a healthy and well-rounded breakfast is vital for maintaining energy throughout the day. Think whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and veggies, or a smoothie packed with your favorite superfoods. I complete my 15-minute high intenisty training session before breakfast. But I know that some women prefer to have a meal before they exercise. Find out what works best for you. 

2. Stay Hydrated

When we're zooming into work, it's easy to forget time and the essentials, like drinking water. Staying hydrated not only keeps our body functioning correctly but also helps us stay alert and active. So keep a water bottle by your side always. I sometimes add cucumber or lemon slices for a refreshing twist.

3. Establish a Routine

As much as we enjoy the freedom that comes with remote working, our bodies crave routine. Design a routine that aligns with your body's natural rhythms. Set specific times for meals, exercise, work, and even breaks. This structure will help your body and mind know what to expect, preventing energy slumps and enhancing productivity.

4. Embrace the Power of Exercise

You don't need to run a marathon, but incorporating at least 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine can drastically improve your energy levels. Whether it's a yoga session, a brisk walk around the block, or a dance-off in your living room, choose a form of movement you enjoy. Remember, it's about staying active, not punishing your body. I always start my mornings with a 15-minute HIT session and often end my working days with a 10-minute Yoga session to wind down. During lunch time, I take my two dogs for a 30-minute walk. This routine helps me to move my body throughout the day in different ways. 

5. Practice Mindfulness

Being present in the moment can do wonders for your energy levels and mental health. Try meditating for a few minutes each day or simply take some time out to appreciate the world around you. Mindfulness helps you feel less overwhelmed, reduces stress, and promotes a positive mindset. 

6. Create a Dedicated Workspace

While working from your cozy bed might seem tempting, it can often lead to a productivity slump. Create a dedicated workspace that is inviting and comfortable. This not only helps with physical comfort but also mentally signals your brain that it's time to work, helping you stay focused and energized.

7. Take Breaks, and Don't Forget to Socialize

Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks doesn't hinder productivity; it fuels it. Short breaks throughout the day can help you refresh your mind and prevent burnout. And don't forget to socialize. Working from home doesn't have to mean feeling isolated. Call a friend, join online communities, or simply spend time with your loved ones. Connection is key for a happy, healthy working-from-home life.

These are my top 7 tips to help you energize your work-from-home routine and bid adieu to burnout. Incorporate these tips into your daily routine and watch as your home office transforms from a battlefield of stress into a sanctuary of productivity.

Just remember, the goal isn't to achieve a 180 degree change overnight. Start small, one step at a time. Maybe even add in a bit of a victory dance after a successful, energized workday. Let's make working from home the joy it's meant to be, one energized day at a time.

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive remote working. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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