8 Effective Strategies For Fast & Deep Sleep

health healthy habits healthy routines sleep wellbeing Jan 19, 2024
woman insomnia

Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, struggling to fall asleep? Or perhaps you doze off easily but then wake up in the middle of the night, unable to drift back to sleep. If this sounds like you, you're not alone. Many women working from home experience these very challenges, resulting in limited hours of truly restful sleep. In our busy lives, balancing work and home duties, quality sleep is not just a luxury - it's essential for your health and well-being. 

Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, not just to function, but to thrive. Good sleep enhances memory, boosts creativity, and even strengthens the immune system – essential for anyone living the double-shift of home and work life. Let's unlock the effective strategies to not just closing your eyes, but to truly restful and swift sleep.


1. The Blue Light Dilemma:

Technology can be a blessing, but when it comes to sleep, it's often a curse in disguise. The blue light emitted by our devices is notorious for tricking our brains into thinking it's still daytime, disrupting the circadian rhythm and the quality of our sleep. I learned this the hard way; even just 15 minutes of screen time before bedtime left me tossing for up to an additional five hours! Now, I prioritize a digital sunset 1-2 hours before bed, and the difference? I now fall asleep within a few minutes!


2. News Fast for Nightly Bliss:

In today's world, the news cycle is relentless, and let's be honest – rarely uplifting. Engaging with this content before bed can send your mind into a tailspin of stress and worry. I recommend an "information curfew" to keep the evening news-free, creating a buffer zone of peace before sleep.


3. Dining for Dreaming:

Your last meal can be a deciding factor in how well you'll sleep. A light dinner rich in veggies, healthy fats like olive oil, and proteins – think a colorful Mediterranean feast – isn't just delicious; it's also sleep-inducing. My favourite go-to dinner these days: a colourful salad with olive oil and balsamico dressing, fried or hard boiled eggs or fish. Delicious, nutricious and light! Please take this as an inspiration, not as the only option. Additionally, the timing of your meal plays a crucial role. Aim to eat several hours before bedtime, allowing your body ample time to digest and wind down.


4. The Post-Dinner Stroll:

After dinner, resist the urge to dive back into work or home chores. Instead, take a leisurely walk. This habit helps with digestion and regulates blood sugar levels, preventing those middle-of-the-night wake-ups. Plus, it's a tranquil transition from the day's chaos to evening calm.


5. Evening Rituals for Relaxation:

Crafting a bedtime routine is akin to whispering to your body, "It's time to wind down." For me, this means dimming the lights, journaling to empty my mind, and gentle yoga stretches. Others may find solace in meditation or getting lost in a book. Whatever soothes you, make it a nightly act of self-care.


6. The Power of Gratitude and Visualization:

End your day on a high note with a gratitude practice. Each night, I reflect on three things I'm thankful for, which infuses my heart with joy. I also visualize my perfect day, aligning my dreams with my subconscious. As Karen Salmansohn said, "What's on your mind becomes what's in your life," so plant the seeds of positivity.


7. Dietary Do's and Don’ts for Nighttime:

Watch out for sneaky sleep stealers like processed foods and late-night snacks. And while a bit of wine may seem like it's lulling you to sleep, alcohol actually fractures your sleep cycle, leaving you groggy the next day. Keep aclohol consumption at a minimum or even try to go alcohol-free and see how it changes your sleep patterns.


8. Additional Sleep-Inducing Strategies:

Remember, your bedroom is your sanctuary. Keep it cool, dark, and serene – your own personal cave for hibernation. If tension keeps you awake, try progressive muscle relaxation, starting from your toes up to your head. And for a touch of spa-like tranquility, listen to some calming music.

There isn't a universal key to flawless sleep; however, these suggestions can serve as inspiration and components to tailor your own sleep strategy. Experiment, find what works for you, and remember, every night is a new opportunity for restful slumber. As you transform your nights, you'll transform your days – because every good day begins with a good night's sleep. 

And with that, I wish you sweet dreams and a restful sleep. Stay strong, stay healthy, and keep shining in your unique way!

Your Health Coach,

xx Silke


If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 



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