Brain Hacks for Healthy Habits: Easy Strategies for Busy Women Working From Home

healthy habits healthy routines motiavtion wellbeing Oct 06, 2023
Brain tricks

We all have heard it a million times - exercise regularly, eat healthy, go easy on the booze, limit the sweets, and take breaks that count. Basic, right? But, if knowing was doing, we’d all be rocking it already. So, why is there a mismatch?

Your Brain - the grandmaster of instant joy and effortless choices. That dopamine hit from a cookie? Immediate and fabulous. The ease of snacking? Unbeatable. But here’s the catch - these are short-term wins. Lasting results like a toned, healthy body, vibrant energy, and resilience? They take time and effort.

But don’t throw in the towel just yet. Knowing this is not for you to drown in guilt or beat yourself up for “lack of discipline”. It’s to equip you with the strategy you need to outsmart your brain and get it on board with your health glow-up.

First off, make a plan that fits into your life. Navigate the daily chaos with clear, achievable health goals. Next up, environment overhaul. Set up a space that whispers (or screams) healthy choices at every turn. Celebrate your wins, big or small, with rewards that are as fabulous as your goals but don’t set you back.

Have a buddy? Make them your accountability partner. Their job? Cheer you on, call you out, and walk the health journey with you, step by step. 

Take advantige of habit stacking. Attach a new habit to an old one, and watch the magic unfold.

And here’s the ultimate trick - start small. Tiny, even. Think two minutes of stretching, ten pages of reading - so it feels ridiculously easy. That way, your brain gets the reward without sensing the workload.

I am a busy mom working from home but I also wanted to exercise regularly 5 days a week. So I moved to 15-minute workouts (HIT or kettle bell sessions in the comfort of my own home) five days a week, coupled with walks and healthy eating. Result? I’ve never felt or looked better, not even in my marathon days!

Why spill my secrets? Because if I can hack my brain for better health, so can you. It’s not about gigantic leaps but small, deliberate steps that lead to empowerment, self-care, and holistic wellness.

Remember, diving into a healthier life doesn’t need a complete life overhaul from the get-go. Small, consistent steps are your best allies. By understanding and working with your brain, you’ll craft not just habits but a lifestyle that reflects confidence, joy, and unstoppable energy.

And as always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive working from home. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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