10 Ways To Stop Negative Self-Talk

healthy habits mental health mindfulness wellbeing Sep 08, 2023
stop negative self talk

We all have been there, we all have experienced them: moments filled with self-doubt, anxiety, and that notorious villain, negative self-talk.

Sometimes working from home can blur boundaries between work-life and personal-life, often causing an emotional rollercoaster. It’s incredibly easy for our mind to spiral when we don’t have someone around for a quick coffee break or a reassuring chat.

I’ve been there, sitting at my home office desk, flooded with thoughts like, "I'm not doing enough," or "I'm just not cut out for this." And let's not forget the infamous, "Everyone is doing better than me."

Does this sound familiar to you? It’s time to break this cycle and transform that inner critic into our personal cheerleader. I'm sharing 10 tips how you can stop the negative self talk. They have always helped me breaking the cycle of negativity. Have a read and pick the ones that resonate with you. 


1. Is this thought fact or interpretation?

Your first step is a basic reality check. Is the negative thought a factual statement or an interpretation colored by emotion? Sometimes our mind adds emotional weight to a neutral situation because of negative experiences we had in the past. 


2. Would you say this to a friend?

Imagine your best friend comes to you with a problem similar to yours. Would you ever tell her she’s not good enough or that she should just give up? So why say it to yourself?


3. Is this thought serving your goals?

Look at the bigger picture. Is this negative chatter helping you reach your objectives, or is it holding you back? Any thought that prevents you from taking constructive steps forward doesn’t deserve your time or energy.


4. Will this matter in the long run?

In a week, month, or year from now, will this thought matter? Most things we worry about are transient and won’t even be a blip on the radar in the future.


5. Self-Compassion

Treat yourself with the same kindness you offer to others. The world is harsh enough without you piling on. Take a deep breath and give yourself permission not to be perfect. 


6. Identify Triggers

Pay close attention to what triggers your negative self-talk. It could be a challenging work email, a difficult client, or even household chores piling up. Knowing what triggers you can help you prepare a healthier emotional response.


7. Physical Movement

Yes, even a small amount of physical movement can change your thought pattern. Stuck in a loop of negativity? Stand up, do some stretches, or even a quick yoga pose. Movement can release endorphins, which naturally elevate your mood.


8. Time Block for Self-Care

Self-care isn't selfish; it's necessary, especially when you’re working from home and personal time can blend into work time. Schedule 'Me Time' like you would any other important meeting. During this time, engage in activities that nourish your soul and well-being.


9. Connect and Share

You’re not alone in this journey, and it’s okay to seek help. Sharing your thoughts with someone trustworthy can provide an external perspective that you might not have considered. And sometimes all you need is someone who listens to your thoughts. 


10. Use Positive Affirmations

Simple, positive statements can set the tone for your day. Stick them on your mirror, your laptop, or set them as reminders on your phone. Say them out loud for added impact! Affirmations like "I am capable," or "I am enough" can be more empowering than you think. I had a "I am enough" sticker on my desk for many years to remind myself every day. 


Please note that we are not striving for perfection here. We’re aiming for progress. Even the smallest steps count when you’re on a journey to change deep-rooted habits. Don't underestimate the power of positive reinforcement. Celebrate every win, no matter how small. Write it down in your journal, share it with a friend, or even shout it from the rooftops (or maybe just your living room).

Remember, you’re more resilient and fabulous than you give yourself credit for.

As always, here's to happier and healthier working from home. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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