Mindset Tips for Integrating Wellness into Your Busy Life

health healthy habits mindfulness motiavtion wellbeing May 17, 2024
women mindset fitness

Hello, lovely! Today, I want to dive deep into something that’s pivotal yet often overlooked when it comes to adopting a healthier lifestyle: your mindset. Yes, it’s about what you eat and how you move, but equally - if not more - important is how you think about the process. Especially for all you wonderful women juggling a thousand daily tasks, understanding and adjusting your mindset can make all the difference. Let't dive in 🙂


1. "I need to mirror others’ routines to see results."

Mindset Shift: Focus on personalization, not imitation.
Often, we get caught up in social media portrayals of the 'ideal' health routine - early morning runs, smoothie bowls, yoga at sunset. It looks magical, but is it your reality? Rather than copying someone else's routine, tailor your health plan to fit into your life realistically. What works for a friend or an influencer might not work for you due to different lifestyles, bodies, and preferences.

Practical Tip: Start small. Maybe you can't do an hour of yoga each day, but what about 10 minutes of stretching every morning? Personalize your routine so it blends seamlessly with your daily schedule.


2. "Comparing my fitness to others is helpful."

Mindset Shift: Compare yourself to your past self, not to others.
It's tempting to look at someone else's fitness achievements and feel like we're not measuring up. But everyone's journey is unique, and comparing ourselves to others can be discouraging. Instead, look back at your own progress. How was your fitness five years ago compared to now? Have you improved? If not, why? Understanding your own journey helps you set realistic goals and appreciate the progress you've made.

Practical Tip: Keep a fitness diary. Log your workouts, your feelings, and your achievements. Reflect on your entries from time to time to see how far you've come. If progress is slower than you'd like, assess and adjust your goals - maybe there's a different approach that would work better for you.


3. "I don’t have time to prepare healthy meals."

Mindset Shift: Simplify and plan - it's easier than you think.
Time is precious, and the thought of preparing elaborate, healthy meals can be daunting. However, eating well doesn’t require chef-level skills or hours in the kitchen.

Practical Tip: Dedicate a couple of hours each weekend to meal prep. Cook in bulk and use simple, nutritious ingredients. Think of assembling meals rather than cooking from scratch every day—combine pre-cooked grains, some protein, and fresh veggies in different variations to keep things exciting and manageable. For more detailed tips, please read my blog post: "The Busy Woman’s Guide to Stress-Free Meal Planning and Prep".


4. "If I can’t exercise fully, it’s not worth doing."

Mindset Shift: All movement counts.
It’s a common misconception that only prolonged, intense workouts lead to health benefits. In reality, integrating small amounts of movement throughout your day can lead to significant health improvements.

Practical Tip: If you can't fit a 30-minute workout into your schedule, break it down. Take a brisk 10-minute walk during lunch, use the stairs instead of the elevator, or do a 5-minute stretching session between meetings. These bits of activity add up and keep your body energized.


5. "Self-care is selfish."

Mindset Shift: Self-care is essential, not selfish.
In our hustle culture, taking time for oneself often feels indulgent. But maintaining your health is crucial, not just for you but also for those you care for.

Practical Tip: Incorporate simple self-care acts into your daily routine. This might look like reading a book for 20 minutes before bed, taking a warm bath, or meditating for five minutes in the morning. Find what rejuvenates you and make it a non-negotiable part of your day.


6. "Health changes must be drastic to count."

Mindset Shift: Celebrate small victories.
Embracing a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be about monumental changes. Small, sustainable shifts often lead to more significant long-term success.

Practical Tip: Instead of overhauling your entire diet, start by incorporating one extra serving of vegetables each day or swapping soda for water. Similarly, increase your physical activity in small increments.


7. "I’m not seeing immediate results; it’s not working."

Mindset Shift: Trust the process.
Change takes time, and visible results can be slow to appear. Consistency is key, and being patient with yourself and your body is crucial.

Practical Tip: Keep a journal to track not just your physical changes, but also how you feel. You might find you’re sleeping better, or that your mood has improved - signs that your efforts are paying off beyond the physical manifestations.


Adopting a healthier lifestyle isn’t about perfection; it’s about making better choices, one small step at a time. Remember, the best routine is the one that you can stick with. Celebrate your efforts, be patient, and adjust as you learn what makes you feel your best. 

By shifting your mindset and embracing these practical tips, you can navigate the path to a healthier lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, every little bit counts, and you are doing wonderfully well just by deciding to start. Keep going, keep glowing!

I hope this post has sparked some inspiration within you. For a daily dose of motivation, I invite you to join me on Instagram, where I share my personal health journey, hoping to encourage and uplift you on your own path to wellness.

Have a wonderful day and stay fabulous ✨

Your Health Coach,

xx Silke


If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 



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