Say Goodbye to Back Pain: How These Products Can Help You Create a Healthier Work-From-Home Setup

health wellbeing wfh products Mar 17, 2023
Products For WFH Wellbeing

As more and more people transition to remote work, it's important to create a workspace that promotes productivity and overall health. Sitting at a desk for extended periods can lead to a number of health issues, including back pain, poor posture, and decreased energy levels. Fortunately, there are a number of products available that can help create a healthier workspace. In this blog post, I'll discuss some of the most popular products for a healthy workplace and why they're helpful.

  1. Standing Desks

Sitting for extended periods of time has been linked to a number of health issues, including increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. A standing desk is a great way to combat the negative effects of sitting while still being able to work. Standing desks can be adjusted to different heights, allowing you to switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. This can help improve posture, increase energy levels, and even burn more calories. Investing in a standing desk has been one of the best decisions I've made for my work-from-home setup. It's been a total game changer for my health, providing relief from back pain and strengthening my muscles. I can confidently say that I will never go back to a traditional desk. If you're looking for ways to improve your workspace and overall well-being, I highly recommend considering a standing desk.

  1. Desk Add-Ons for Standing

If you already have a traditional desk, you can still experience the benefits of standing with a desk add-on. These products sit on top of your existing desk, allowing you to easily adjust the height and switch between sitting and standing throughout the day. When looking for a standing desk add-on, it's important to find a solution that allows you to switch from sitting to standing with ease and minimal effort. Speaking from personal experience, if it takes too much time and effort to set up your standing desk add-on, you may be less likely to use it consistently. Therefore, consider investing in an add-on that offers quick and effortless adjustments, allowing you to seamlessly transition between sitting and standing throughout your workday.

  1. Desk Cycles

A desk cycle is a small, compact machine that allows you to pedal while you work. This can help improve circulation, burn calories, and reduce stress. Desk cycles are also quiet, making them a great option for shared workspaces. I've been using my desk cycle for many years now, and it's still one of my favorite additions to my work-from-home setup. It sits quietly underneath my desk, and I use it periodically to get my legs moving and the blood flowing. I typically use the lowest resistance, as I'm not looking to build muscle but rather just want to incorporate movement into my sitting routine. Using the desk cycle in this way makes me feel more energized and healthier, and I highly recommend it as a simple yet effective way to promote movement and wellness throughout your workday.

  1. Steppers

Steppers are another great option for those looking to incorporate movement into their workday. They provide a low-impact workout that can improve circulation and burn calories. Steppers are also compact and easy to use, making them a great option for smaller workspaces. Adding a stepper to my work-from-home setup has been a great way to incorporate more movement and energy into my day. In addition to using my desk cycle, I've found that stepping while working also helps to strengthen my lower back muscles and promote overall wellness. While it can be a bit challenging to write and step at the same time, I've found that it's easy to incorporate stepping into tasks that don't require typing on the keyboard. I typically step for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening, and I love how it makes me feel. If you're looking for another way to add more movement and energy to your workday, consider investing in a stepper.

  1. Lumbar Pillows

Sitting for extended periods can put a lot of strain on your back and lower body. Lumbar pillows are designed to provide support for your lower back, reducing the strain on your spine and improving posture. They can also help alleviate back pain and discomfort. If you're like me and sit for many hours a day, you may have experienced discomfort or even numbness in your bottom. I found relief by investing in a lumbar pillow to sit on. The pillow has helped to relieve pressure and provide support to my lower back, making it more comfortable to sit for extended periods of time. Since using the lumbar pillow, I've noticed a significant improvement in how my bottom feels throughout the day. If you're experiencing discomfort or numbness from sitting for long periods, I highly recommend giving a lumbar pillow a try.

  1. Ergonomic Keyboard, Mouse and Mousepad

Typing and using a mouse for extended periods can lead to repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. An ergonomic keyboard and mouse are designed to reduce the strain on your hands, wrists, and arms, making typing and using the mouse more comfortable and efficient. I've been using an ergonomic mouse pad for many years now, and I'm happy to say that I've never had any issues with my joints or ligaments. As someone who spends many hours each day using a mouse, I recognize the importance of investing in a quality ergonomic mouse pad. These pads are designed to provide additional support and cushioning to your wrist and hand, helping to prevent strain and injury over time. In my opinion, ergonomic mouse pads are a must-have for anyone who spends a significant amount of time working on a computer.

  1. Anti-Fatigue Mats

Standing for extended periods can also lead to foot, leg, and back pain. Anti-fatigue mats are designed to reduce the strain on your joints and muscles, providing a comfortable and supportive surface to stand on. While I haven't yet tried an anti-fatigue mat myself, it's definitely something that's on my list to check out.

In addition to these products, there are a few other things you can do to create a healthier workplace. Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day to stretch and move around. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid snacking on unhealthy foods. Finally, make sure your workspace is well-lit and ventilated to promote productivity and overall well-being.

Creating a healthy workspace is essential for remote workers looking to stay productive and healthy. Standing desks, desk add-ons, desk cycles, steppers, lumbar pillows, ergonomic keyboards and mice, and anti-fatigue mats are all great options to consider. By incorporating these products into your workspace and adopting healthy habits, you can improve your overall well-being and productivity.

I hope this blog post provided you with some valuable insights and inspiration to creating a healthier workspace at home. Wishing you a happy and healthy rest of your day!

All my best,

xx Silke

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