Sleep Well, Work Well: The Connection Between Quality Sleep and WFH Productivity

health healthy habits productivity wellbeing Aug 11, 2023
WFH Sleep Quality

Today, I'd like to share something personal. It's about a realization I had that profoundly affected the way I live and work - something as simple yet as vital as sleep.

Not too long ago, I was tethered to my smartphone late into the night. The digital world, with its endless flow of information, entertainment, and connections, was irresistible. And like many of you, the quiet hours after everyone had gone to bed seemed the perfect time to scroll, tap, and swipe to my heart's content.

But I paid the price. Due to the exposure to my phone's blue light, shortly before it was time to sleep, I had severe problems falling asleep. 

As it turns out, science backs this up. Our brains are sensitive to the blue light emitted by our electronic devices. Exposure to this light in the evening tricks our brains into thinking it's still daylight, disrupting our body's natural sleep-wake cycle. This disturbance can make it harder to fall asleep and negatively impact the quality of sleep we do get, leaving us feeling tired and unproductive the next day.

After several weeks of having trouble falling asleep and missing important hours of quality sleep, I noticed something unsettling. I was more irritable, lacked concentration, and experienced frequent headaches. My productivity at work dropped, my to-do list seemed to grow longer and longer.

It took me a while to connect the dots and realize that my deteriorating productivity and wellbeing were closely linked to my sleep habits. After diving into some research, I learned more about sleep and its profound effects on our productivity and health. Sleep, is not just a sweet escape from our daily grind. It is the cornerstone of our wellbeing and a vital factor in enhancing our work-from-home productivity.

Science shows that quality sleep and productivity share are closely linked. When we sleep, our body and mind don't merely "switch off". They get busy repairing cells, consolidating memories, and regulating mood and energy levels. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults require seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Without it, we compromise these critical processes.

One major repercussion of insufficient sleep is its impact on cognitive functions. When you lack sleep, you'll notice that your concentration and decision-making skills are impaired. Tasks that were once simple can become daunting, and your ability to come up with innovative ideas may decrease. This is because sleep deprivation impairs the brain's prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for higher-order cognitive processes.

I also discovered that poor sleep can lead to emotional issues. Irritability, mood swings, and even feelings of depression can become more prevalent, creating a negative atmosphere that's far from conducive to productivity.

Upon discovering this new information, I started making changes. I prioritized sleep and created a routine to help my body and mind wind down before bed. I set a strict bedtime and stopped using electronic devices an hour before sleep to reduce blue light exposure. I also made my bedroom a sanctuary for sleep - with blackout curtains, comfortable bedding, and a cool temperature.

The transformation I experienced was astounding. After consistently getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep, I noticed a significant improvement in my productivity and wellbeing. My concentration was back, my mood improved, and I felt energized throughout the day. I was accomplishing more in less time and, importantly, with less stress.

The magic of quality sleep is real. It is not a luxury but a necessity. In our busy work-from-home lives, we might be tempted to trade sleep for more work hours. But in the long run, this compromises our productivity and wellbeing.

Sleep well to work well. Prioritize your sleep as you would an important meeting. Create a serene sleep environment and establish a bedtime routine. It may take some time to adjust, but I assure you, it is worth every effort. Embrace quality sleep and unlock your full work-from-home productivity. Remember, you are not just working from home - you're living there, and quality sleep is part of a quality life.

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive remote working. Stay fabulous, and take care!

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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