The Dynamic Duo of Wellness: Why Working Out and Eating Right Are Non-Negotiables for Women Working From Home

health healthy habits healthy routines motiavtion wellbeing Sep 22, 2023
working out from home

Too often working from home means the boundaries between work and home are blurred. We work overtime and switch from work tasks to domestic tasks without a healthy break. But here's the thing: When we're always 'on,' our health often takes the backseat, and that’s a compromise we just can't afford. So, let’s get real about the dynamic duo of wellness: working out and eating right. And yep, both are non-negotiable.


Working Out: More Than Just a Physical Commitment

We've all heard it before: exercise is good for you. But when you're a woman working from home, it's not just about fitting into those skinny jeans. Exercise is about reclaiming your time and your health. It's that 15-minute HIIT session that wakes you up better than coffee ever could or the yoga flow that eases your stressed mind after a jam-packed day.

And let’s debunk some myths. Exercise doesn't have to be a 1-hour ordeal that requires a gym membership and cute workout gear (although there's nothing wrong with looking fab while breaking a sweat 😉). My rule of thumb? Make it so easy you can’t say no. Got 5 minutes? Do a quick set of squats or a speedy plank. There's always time; you just have to prioritize it.

In my blog post 10 Remarkable Ways Regular Exercise Improves Your Work-From-Home Life you will learn, why a consistent workout routine is so beneficial for your body and mind. 


Eating Right: The Other Half of the Equation

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room - food. While you can't out-exercise a bad diet, you also can't expect to feel your best if you're not fueling your body properly. Those sugar crashes after devouring a chocolate bar? Yeah, they're not just messing with your mood; they're affecting your productivity, too.

Eating right isn't about deprivation or following the latest fad diet. It's about making conscious choices. Swap out those sugary snacks for fruit, opt for water instead of soda, and please, for the love of all things healthy, don't skip meals! Your body and your brain need fuel to function, especially when you're balancing work, home, and everything in between.

If you are looking for some tasty and nutritious meal inspiration, check out my blog post "20 Quick and Easy Healthy Meal Ideas for Busy Work-From-Home Professionals".


The Synergy of Exercise and Nutrition

You may wonder, "Isn't focusing on just one - either working out or eating right—enough?" Think of exercise and proper nutrition as two sides of the same wellness coin; each is beneficial on its own, but together, they amplify each other's effects. Committing to physical activity often nudges you toward better dietary choices, while nourishing your body with the right foods gives you the vitality needed for effective workouts. It's this reciprocal relationship that turns good habits into a self-perpetuating cycle of well-being.


Start Small, Dream Big

Don't go diving into a 7-day-a-week workout routine and a complete diet overhaul all at once. You’ll burn out faster than you can say "kale smoothie." Start small. Make one change at a time, and make it stick. Maybe it’s a 10-minute morning jog or swapping your afternoon chips for carrots. Little changes add up to big results.

I've been working from home for years. I've felt the toll it takes when you neglect your body. But I've also felt the amazing shift when you treat your body like the temple it is. Fifteen-minute HIIT sessions, daily walks with my dogs, weekend hikes, and wholesome meals have transformed not just my body but my work and my life. 

Working out and eating right aren't just things to do; they’re a lifestyle. And in a world where your home is your everything - office, school, café, and more - it’s high time your wellness plan adapts too.

I hope you found value in this new perspective on how incorporating regular, manageable activity and healthy meals can revolutionize your work-from-home lifestyle. Remember, it's completely okay to start with baby steps; what's crucial is taking that first step. You'll be amazed at how these daily habits can add up to create a significant impact on your well-being.

And if you are unsure of how to get started, read my blog post about How To Start Exercising Every Day While Working From Home - A Fail-Proof Strategy. It's a step by step guide for you to easily set up a regular exercise routine. If you have any questions, please let me know.

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive working from home. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

Are you ready to embark on a transformation where vibrant health becomes as natural to your day as your morning coffee? As your health coach, I'm here to guide you on your journey, making well-being an effortless part of your routine, not just another task. Take the first step and book a FREE 30 minute discovery call. It's time to prioritize you - let's chat and make it happen.

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