The Importance of ‘Me Time’: 8 Ways to Incorporate Self-Care into Your WFH Routine

healthy habits healthy routines mental health mindfulness wellbeing Jun 02, 2023
Woman Enjoying Her Me Time

There's something special about working from home. The convenience, the comfort, the opportunity to craft your ideal home office setup... the list goes on. But there’s also a fine balance that must be struck. If we're not careful, the boundaries between work and life can blur, causing us to overlook the importance of taking time for ourselves.

Today, I'm discussing something extremely crucial that often slips through the cracks in the bustling world of remote working: "Me Time". This is dedicated, uninterrupted time where you focus solely on your own well-being. Self-care is an essential component of a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and it's especially important when working from home. So, let's dive into how you can better incorporate 'me time' into your routine.

  1. Start Your Day Right: Start each day with a simple ritual that helps you feel centred and grounded. This could be a meditation session, a cup of coffee in the garden, a few pages of your current book, or a morning yoga routine. This quiet time sets a positive tone for the day and gives you a moment to connect with yourself before the work begins.

  2. Schedule ‘Me Time’: Make your self-care non-negotiable. Just like you would schedule a work meeting, pencil in regular self-care sessions into your calendar. This could be anything that nourishes you: reading, painting, taking a bath, or even dancing around your home office to your favourite tunes.

  3. Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity is essential for your physical health and mental well-being. When working from home, make sure you move your body throughout the day. Join a virtual workout class, go for a walk during your lunch break, or incorporate short stretching sessions between meetings. Whatever it is, find a routine that suits you and stick to it.

  4. Unplug Completely: In our hyper-connected world, it can be challenging to truly switch off. Carve out some time each day where you're completely unplugged—no emails, no work calls, no social media. Instead, use this time to engage in activities that recharge your soul. You'll be surprised at how this small change can make a significant impact on your overall well-being.

  5. Feed Your Soul with Good Food: Good nutrition is self-care. Be mindful of what you're fueling your body with. Opt for nutritious, home-cooked meals that nourish your body and mind. Prepping your meals in advance can also help save time and reduce stress during your work week.

  6. Nurture Your Interests: Remember those hobbies that used to ignite your passion? It's time to bring them back! Whether it's painting, playing a musical instrument, gardening, or writing, these activities offer a great escape from work stress and add joy to your life.

  7. Restorative Rest: Prioritize your sleep as much as your work. A well-rested mind is more creative, focused, and productive. Make sure your bedroom is a sanctuary for sleep—cool, dark, and quiet. Consider creating a bedtime ritual to help signal to your body that it's time to rest.

  8. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness can help anchor you in the present moment, reduce stress, and promote happiness. Try integrating mindfulness exercises into your day, such as mindful eating, mindful breaks during your workday, or a daily mindfulness meditation practice.

Remember, while working from home offers flexibility, it's also essential to draw clear boundaries between your professional and personal life. Self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. As the adage goes, you can't pour from an empty cup. Taking care of yourself will not only enhance your productivity but also improve your overall quality of life.

Speaking from my personal experience, I've discovered that a calming yoga session after a long workday works wonders for me. Stretching my body, focusing on my breath, and simply taking a moment to be present has become a cherished part of my routine. It helps me center myself, lets me relax, and ensures I'm treating both my body and mind with the care they deserve. I wholeheartedly encourage you to find that one activity that brings you similar tranquility and joy.

In the exciting world of remote working, don't forget the most important element: YOU. So, let's put ourselves back on the agenda. Here's to more 'me time'!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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