The Surprising Reason You Crave Unhealthy Snacks and Skip Workouts

health healthy habits healthy routines weightloss Jul 12, 2024
Woman craving sweets

Have you ever heard the phrase "Don't think about a pink elephant"? 🐘✨ What happens? You instantly picture a pink elephant, right? Our minds have a funny way of reacting when we’re told not to do something.

This same principle can be applied to our cravings for unhealthy snacks and our tendency to skip workouts. Today, I want to share something eye-opening that might just be the key to transforming your health journey. Let's dive into the fascinating world of Psychological Reactance and how it could be holding you back.


The Power of Our Thoughts 🧠

Imagine you’re sitting in your living room, eyeing that tempting piece of chocolate on the table. You think to yourself:

"No, I can't have this chocolate now."
"No, I cannot sit on the couch and watch Netflix; I have to exercise."

Sound familiar? These restrictive thoughts are incredibly common, especially for those of us trying to adopt healthier habits. But here’s the kicker – these thoughts might be doing more harm than good. Let’s explore why.


Psychological Reactance: The Science Behind the Cravings 📚

When we feel our freedom to choose is being restricted, our brain experiences something called Psychological Reactance. This is a fancy way of saying that when we tell ourselves "no," our brain pushes back, making us want that forbidden thing even more. Think of it as a rebellious teenager inside us saying, "You can't tell me what to do!"

For instance, the moment you tell yourself you can’t have that piece of chocolate, your brain starts to crave it even more intensely. It’s the same with exercise. The more you tell yourself you have to work out, the more appealing that comfy couch looks.

This phenomenon is why strict diets or rigid workout plans often fail. The more we feel restricted, the more we crave those very things we’re trying to avoid. 😲

A study by Pennebaker and Sanders (1976) demonstrated this beautifully. They put up signs in public restrooms with a strong warning against graffiti. The signs that used strong, authoritative language resulted in more graffiti, while signs that politely asked for cooperation saw less vandalism. The takeaway? The harsher the restriction, the stronger the pushback.

Understanding this can help us in our journey. Instead of setting strict, inflexible rules, we can create flexible guidelines that promote freedom of choice. For example, instead of banning sweets altogether, allow yourself a small treat occasionally and focus on enjoying a variety of healthy foods. This way, you’re less likely to feel deprived and more likely to stick to your healthy habits.

Changing our mindset and understanding the psychology behind our cravings and behaviors can be a game-changer. It’s about shifting from a place of restriction and deprivation to one of empowerment and positive identity. By doing so, we can create lasting, healthy habits that feel natural and enjoyable.


Shifting Your Mindset: A New Approach 🌟

The good news? There’s a better way to think about your health goals that reduces these cravings and makes it easier to stick to healthy habits. Here’s how:

1️⃣ Identity-Based Thinking:
Instead of saying, "I cannot have this chocolate," try thinking, "I am a person who makes healthy choices." This small shift changes your self-perception and reduces feelings of deprivation.

2️⃣ Internal Motivation:
Switch "I cannot sit on the sofa; I have to exercise" to "I am an active person who enjoys staying fit." This makes the activity feel natural and enjoyable, not a chore.

3️⃣ Positive Self-Image:
Replace "I cannot have this chocolate" with "I love nourishing my body with healthy foods." Framing your choices as self-care rather than restriction can make a huge difference.

4️⃣ Consistency and Habit Formation:
Seeing yourself as a healthy eater or an active person makes it easier to form consistent habits. When your actions align with your self-identity, maintaining those actions feels more effortless.

5️⃣ Empowerment:
Switch "I cannot eat sweets" to "I enjoy fueling my body with nutritious foods." This empowerment gives you control and satisfaction, making healthy choices more appealing.

Real-Life Examples 🥗🏃‍♀️

Let’s look at some practical examples:

Old Identity: "I can't have junk food."
New Identity: "I enjoy delicious and healthy meals."

Old Identity: "I have to force myself to work out."
New Identity: "I love moving my body and staying fit."

By shifting your mindset, you're not just making temporary changes; you're transforming your identity and creating lasting habits. 🌱


Practical Tips to Implement These Shifts

1. Write it Down:
Keep a journal and write down your new identity-based thoughts. For example, "I am a person who loves eating nutritious foods" or "I am someone who enjoys being active." Read them daily to reinforce these positive beliefs.

2. Visual Reminders:
Place sticky notes with empowering statements around your home or workspace. Seeing reminders like "I enjoy fueling my body with healthy foods" can keep you motivated.

3. Celebrate Small Wins:
Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Did you choose a salad over fries? Great! Took a 10-minute walk during lunch? Awesome! These small victories reinforce your new identity.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity:
Join communities or follow social media accounts that promote healthy lifestyles. Being part of a supportive group can inspire and motivate you to stay on track.

Remember, it’s not about being perfect. It’s about making better choices, one step at a time. Embrace the journey, celebrate your progress, and enjoy the process of becoming the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

Here’s to a healthier you! 

Your Health Coach,

Silke 💖

P.S. Don’t forget to share this with a friend who might need a little inspiration on their health journey! 💌



If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 



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