Top 10 Tips For Virtual Networking: How to Build and Maintain Professional Relationships from Home

networking productivity Jul 21, 2023
virtual networking

Do you remember the first networking event you ever attended? The buzzing energy in the room, clusters of people engaged in animated conversations, the shuffling of business cards – it was exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time. Fast forward to now, working from home has changed this dynamic quite a bit. Gone are the conference rooms and face-to-face interactions, replaced by digital platforms and virtual meetings.

Working from home brought a paradigm shift in my professional life. Initially, I was apprehensive about maintaining my professional network from the confines of my home. But necessity is the mother of invention. Over time, I found that virtual networking is not only feasible but also surprisingly rewarding. It presents unique challenges but offers even more unique opportunities.

Why Virtual Networking Is More Relevant Than Ever

I cannot emphasize enough the value of networking for your professional growth. It is about making meaningful connections, discovering new perspectives, and fostering relationships that enrich your professional journey. And now, in the age of remote work, these connections are no longer confined by geography. We have a unique opportunity to expand our networks beyond our local circles, to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds and industries.

Practical Strategies for Effective Virtual Networking

The fundamental principles of networking remain the same, whether in-person or virtual. Here's how I adapted them for the virtual world:

Optimizing Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter have been game-changers. Following industry leaders, participating in relevant discussions, and contributing insightful comments have helped me forge new connections.

Making the Most of Webinars: Webinars have taken the place of in-person seminars and conferences. The learning aspect is critical, but the networking potential they offer is equally important. I make it a point to participate actively in the chat and connect with the speaker and attendees.

Reaching Out to Connections: Don't be shy about sending connection requests. Make sure to personalize your messages to highlight shared interests or experiences, which increases the chance of forging a meaningful connection.

Maintaining Relationships: Networking is not a one-and-done deal. It's about fostering relationships over time. Regular touchpoints, even something as simple as sharing an article or asking how they are, keeps the connection alive.

Virtual Coffee Chats: Virtual coffee chats are a fun and informal way to connect. They help recreate the casual yet meaningful conversations that we often miss from in-person networking.

The Not-so-obvious But Impactful Strategies

Beyond the usual networking strategies, here are a few less obvious but impactful ones I've picked up along my virtual networking journey:

Practicing Active Listening: In virtual interactions, it's easy to get distracted. Active listening shows you value the conversation and can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections.

Sharing Insights Regularly: Consistently sharing industry insights or personal experiences boosts your visibility. These posts serve as conversation starters and show your network that you're actively engaged in your industry.

Follow-up After Virtual Events: A follow-up message after a virtual event can help solidify new connections. It's a simple gesture that shows you value the connection and are interested in maintaining it.

Being Patient: Building professional relationships, especially virtual ones, takes time. Don't rush it. Genuine connections take time but are worth the effort.

Navigating the Virtual Networking Landscape

Making the transition to virtual networking was challenging. It required me to rethink my networking strategies and adapt to new ways of building and maintaining professional relationships. However, these challenges have been well worth overcoming.

Virtual networking has allowed me to connect with professionals I might never have met otherwise. I've been able to learn from industry leaders around the globe and discover unique opportunities that would not have been possible through local networking alone.

So, while working from home may have changed the way we network, it hasn't diminished the importance of networking. It's opened up a world of opportunities that I'm excited to continue exploring. So here’s to making connections, broadening horizons, and embracing the art of virtual networking, all from the comfort of our homes. 

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive remote working. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

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