Top 7 Working From Home Challenges And How To Tackle Them

motiavtion productivity Jan 13, 2023
Working From Home Challenges

Working from home can be great, but it also has its challenges. While it may be tempting to work from bed in your pajamas, this can lead to decreased productivity and a lack of focus.

There are a few common challenges that people face when working from a home office, and you need to be aware of them if you want to be successful. If you’re a freelancer, solopreneur, or entrepreneur, you can take steps to maximize the benefits of working remotely. 

I am sharing top 7 challenges of working from home and how to tackle them successfully so that working from home can be a successful and rewarding experience.


1. Communicating with colleagues

Working from home can be isolating and make it more difficult to keep in touch with colleagues. A poor internet connection or even just an overwhelmed inbox can make communication challenging.

To solve this, build a supportive network of fellow freelancers, solopreneurs, or entrepreneurs who can reach out to each other, so everyone can stay in touch and remain on track.

Miscommunication can lead to negative feelings and low morale, so make sure to be clear and proactive when it comes to communication with business partners, team members and clients. 

To tackle this, set up regular video calls to connect with clients and fellow remote workers, schedule phone chats, or join a chatroom.

Utilizing collaboration tools like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Slack, and other virtual meeting platforms can help keep your team or network connected and productive.

Slack is a helpful tool that facilitates asynchronous communication, meaning it’s easier for users to stay in touch across time zones. Therefore, you can reduce communication challenges that come with working remotely.

Being in a different timezone is another one of the challenges of working from home when it comes to communication. Establishing clear guidelines and expectations can help maintain productivity and communication between both sides of the timezone.


2. Lack of focus

Working from home can cause a lack of focus due to the many distractions around you. Whether it's kids, pets, construction outside, your smartphone or even the TV, it's easy to lose focus.

Remember that your lack of focus can actually make you less productive and lead to longer work hours. This is something you can avoid by creating a noise and clutter-free home office space.

To stay focused, try setting up a designated workspace in a quiet area and avoid working from the couch or bed. Invest in noise-canceling headphones if necessary. These can help block out noise and distractions and keep your focus on the task at hand.

Additionally, create a work schedule and set aside specific times for taking breaks.

Maintaining regular office hours and setting boundaries by not working after-hours can also help to keep you focused on the task at hand. If you don't have clear tasks, it's easy to fall into a pattern of procrastination.

Setting achievable goals, breaking down big projects into smaller tasks, and having regular check-ins with your clients and employers can help you stay more focused and get more work done in a shorter time.


3. Work-life balance

Having a good work-life balance is one of the most important aspects of working from home. Since you're out of the office, you can lose track of time and end up prioritizing work over other aspects of life.

Take advantage of having more flexibility and manage your time efficiently by using calendar reminders, to-do lists, or task management apps. Set boundaries with yourself, and do not overwork.

Did you know that some people who work from home actually end up working longer hours? To avoid this, set limits for yourself and stick to them.

In addition, make sure to take regular breaks to avoid burnout and overworking. It can be tempting to keep going, but it’s important to give yourself the time and space to rest.

Working from home often leads to poor eating habits and reduced exercise. To take better care of yourself, develop a nutritious meal plan and an exercise routine. Don't sit in front of the computer all day!

Taking breaks throughout the day is also important in order to avoid burnout. Go for a walk, take a few minutes to meditate, or make time for hobbies like reading or cooking. Doing so will help keep your mind fresh and focused when you get back to work.


4. Managing your time

Managing your time can be difficult when working from home, as distractions are so easily accessible, and it’s easy to lose track of what needs to be done.

Creating a daily planner can help keep you on task and ensure that you complete all the necessary tasks in a timely manner. Set realistic deadlines for yourself and break down bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.

Sticking to a routine will also help keep you on track and make sure that you’re not overworking yourself.

It's a good idea to use time management apps and project management tools.

For example, you can use Trello to assign tasks and deadlines while working with remote team members or Clockify to track your time. is another platform that helps with managing remote teams. It helps you create efficient workflows, track time, and better manage projects, even if you’re a solopreneur or freelancer working alone.

Avoid using social media (unless that's part of your job, of course) because it can be a major time-suck. You might think you'll only end up browsing your apps for 10 minutes, but it can easily turn into 30 or even an hour.


5. Overcoming loneliness

Working from home can often lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. The problem with isolation is that it can lead to decreased motivation, difficulty concentrating, and overall feelings of depression.

Although it might not be obvious at first, lonely freelancers are less productive and engaged in their work, and the business can suffer. In the corporate world, companies are increasingly trying to combat loneliness by introducing team-building activities and online meetings.

To combat loneliness, have regular check-ins with team members, fellow freelancers, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs and look for ways to build a sense of community with them.

Organize a virtual happy hour, get together for lunch and get creative with icebreakers. Making time for yourself is also important in order to stay connected with family and friends.

Loneliness can also be combated by collaborating with other remote workers on projects or joining communities of people who work from home.


6. Staying productive

Staying productive can be difficult when working from home, especially if you lack motivation.

To increase your productivity, create a to-do list at the start of each day and prioritize the most important tasks first. Take regular breaks throughout the day and set aside time for yourself to relax and unwind.

Focusing on one task at a time can also help you stay productive, as it eliminates distractions and allows you to focus on the task at hand.

Productivity is the key to success when working from home, so don’t be afraid to try new methods and tools to boost your productivity. 

Reading up on the latest freelancing news can help you stay ahead of the pack and learn about all the newest tools, software, and apps that make your work more efficient. 


7. Career growth opportunities

When working from home, it can be difficult to progress in your career. Since you're not at an office daily, you're less visible and less engaged in day-to-day activities. If you are your own boss, it can be even harder to advance your career and grow your business. 

To stay on top of your career, make sure to communicate regularly with others in your line of work and fellow entrepreneurs and freelancers. 

To ensure that you’re still growing professionally, take advantage of any opportunities to learn new skills or develop your existing ones.

Look for online courses or seminars related to your field, read up on the latest industry news, and attend conferences or webinars. Networking is also important for career growth, so don’t be afraid to reach out to professionals in your field and ask for advice.


Final thoughts

Working from home can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

By managing your time wisely and having regular check-ins with team members, fellow solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs, you can overcome obstacles and make working from home a success.

Taking advantage of career growth opportunities and staying productive can also help you stay on top of your work and progress in your career.

With the right tools, attitude, and planning, working from home can be the best decision you'll ever make!

All my best,

xx Silke

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