You Want To Start Exercising Every Day While Working From Home? Try This Fail-Proof Strategy!

exercises healthy habits healthy routines morning routine wellbeing Sep 01, 2023
woman working out from home

Many of us who have been working from home for a while have found that the lines between "work" and "home" can become blurred. There's no more morning commute, no more lunch breaks with colleagues, and for some, there's less motivation to get up from our desk and move around.

It's challenging to insert a workout regimen into a day already packed with Zoom meetings and looming deadlines. However, what if I told you that starting with just 2 minutes a day could put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle?

Yes, you read that right. Only 2 minutes!

Starting with a small, attainable goal can be the catalyst for larger changes down the line. Let's dive into how you can develop a healthier habit from the comfort of your home.

Step 1: Identify Your 'Why'

Before jumping into action, take a moment to reflect. Why do you want to develop a healthy habit? Maybe it's to have more energy throughout the day, or perhaps to manage stress better. By identifying a strong, personal reason, you'll be more likely to stay committed.

Step 2: Start Small, Really Small

This is where our 2 minutes come into play. The idea isn't to go all out on the first day but to create a routine that is so easy you can't say no. For example, commit to doing 2 minutes of stretching or jumping jacks every morning. It might sound insignificant, but this small start will plant the seed for a growing habit.

Step 3: Attach the Habit to an Existing One

Pair your new habit with something you already do daily. For instance, if you have a morning ritual of brewing coffee or tea, do your 2 minutes of exercise while waiting for it to be ready. By linking the new habit to an established one, you increase the chances of consistency.

Step 4: Create a Visual Cue

Place your workout clothes next to your bed, or set a daily alarm as a reminder. Visual cues act as prompts, ensuring you don't forget your 2-minute commitment.

Step 5: Slowly Increase the Time

After a week of your 2-minute routine, try adding another minute. Continue this pattern, gradually increasing the duration as you become more accustomed to the routine. Remember, the goal is consistency. It's better to do a short workout regularly than a long one sporadically.

Step 6: Celebrate Small Wins

Did you manage a whole week of your new habit? That's fantastic! Celebrate these milestones, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost your motivation.

Step 7: Stay Flexible

Some days, life gets in the way. That's okay! If you miss a day, don't get discouraged. The most crucial aspect is to get back on track as soon as possible. Your journey to a healthier habit is about progress, not perfection.

Step 8: Involve a Friend or Join a Community

Sharing your journey with someone can make the process enjoyable and keep you accountable. Find a friend to join you, or consider joining online communities where members share their progress and motivate each other.

Starting a new habit, especially when working from home, can feel daunting. But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Your journey to a healthier lifestyle doesn't need a grand gesture. It requires a simple step forward. And today, that step can be just 2 minutes long.

My daily workouts are high-intensity, yet they only take 12-15 minutes of my time. Whenever I'm tempted to skip them, I remind myself: Surely, I can spare just 12 minutes (unless I'm genuinely unwell). This mindset ensures I never miss a session.

So, to all the magnificent women working from home, this is your gentle nudge. Embrace those 2 minutes. Over time, they can transform into a lifestyle that empowers you, fuels your productivity, and nourishes your well-being. It's not about having the time; it's about making the time. And today, you can start with just 2 minutes. Will you take the step?

As always, here's to happier, healthier, and more productive remote working. Stay fabulous, and take care!

All my best,

xx Silke

If you enjoyed this article, you will love my FREE mini video course (<30 min) "How To Get Fit In 15 Minutes A Day - Even If You Are Not Motivated". 

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